Out There And Beyond Design
Is every room in your home, every thing in your rooms, giving you joy? Are your rooms filled with personal moments? Does everything reflect your journey and your roots? We believe that everything you live with should be pleasing to your eye, and a showcase for your personal style and your personality. This is our vision for our own homes and we want to help you find this for your home.
Do you want new and exciting recipes to help you expand your cooking recipes? We have recipes to meet many needs, quick but tasty recipes, recipes to expand your culinary repertoire, recipes to utilize the newest appliances in your kitchen, etc. etc. We promise our recipe section will offer you new food adventures.
Click Here to visit our recipes.
Want to make new things? Are you looking for new projects introduced with clear and concise instructions? We have a DIY which teaches you new skills in the easiest to follow ways.
Have you wondered how creative people become creative? We have a section on expanding your inner explorer.
Want to know more about what makes good design? Bobbi has been teaching about design basics for years.
Welcome to our blog, Out-There.Design.
Welcome to my new my virtual home, my blog. I’ll be hanging around here whenever I’m not doing my IRL stuff, working on my house, doing renovations, pretending I’m cleaning, or working in my studio.
Why Out There and Beyond Design?
Starr, my partner, and I, and I live in a rural area with bears and deer for neighbors, we’re “out there” geographically. Not only do we live beyond the norms physically, but our work is “Out There”. It speaks for itself.
“Out There and Beyond Design.”
Want to read more details? Click Here