Cabinet Doors with Wallpaper Inserts

Unique Cabinet Doors

The Upper Cabinets

A Reasonably Priced, Unique Way to Update Cabinet Doors and Make Your Kitchen Beautiful

updating oak kitchen cabinets before and after

My upper cabinets Nice, eh? The doors are unattractive and outdated. I won’t comment on the color of the wood. No, I have to comment. It’s baby-shit brown. (Can you say “shit show”?)

The Upper Cabinets! Bane of My Existence.

Because I couldn’t afford to replace the upper cabinet doors, I decided to insert wallpaper panels into the recessed sections. What started as a economic necessity became one of the most striking features in my kitchen. I was updating a kitchen without replacing cabinets.

updating a kitchen without replacing cabinets

Too Many Options- Choosing the Panels
Option One: Showcasing My Interests-
The sample showed a bicycle but my plan was to feature different graphics in each cabinet,

unique cabinets

an homage to DH’s and my many interests. For DH, a drone in one cabinet and an airplane in another, and so on. For me, gardening tools, a sewing machine, etc. A friend mentioned that the hobby option would limit resale appeal, but the wallpaper is easily replaced so I could put something more generic in if I wanted to sell my house. (Who am I kidding, I’m going to die in this house).

updating oak cabinets

Option Two: Floral. Who doesn’t love flowers? I tried a variety of floral options. The results were pretty, but not personal enough for me

Option Three: a subtle texture, (not pictured.) It looked good but was too safe for my taste. Doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be good for someone else.

Option Four: gears and mandalas and crosshatching and… My friend gave me the ultimate compliment when she said, “that looks like your embroidery designs”, these panels looked like something I would design, my style. Time to press the “yes please” button.

I designed inserts for all the cabinets and had them printed on Spoonflower.

If you like my inserts, they are available on Spoonflower (link) And, if you’re interested I can design something specific for you, to showcase your style.

Click Here to see my offerings on Spoonflower

Want to know what I did with the lower cabinets? Click here.

To read about other parts of my kitchen reno, start here.

2 responses to “Unique Cabinet Doors”

  1. Juli Avatar

    Your ‘friend’ is correct! They remind me of your embroidery designs as well.
    And, no, not fabric, but wallpaper you designed. I want some for myself.
    I’m going to send your blog info to my oldest daughter. Your artwork is right up her alley.

    1. admin Avatar

      Thanks for passing this on. I’d love to see the type work your daughter does. She has big footsteps to fill.

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