multiple bedrooms with minor changes

5 Easy Fixes to Upgrade the Look of Your Bedroom

With a few simple tweaks you can move your bedroom from “nice” to stunning.

Texture adds visual interest and complexity to designs, enriching them with depth and dynamism. Learn more about texture in our “texture’ Post.

Add texture in multiple places in your room. Wallpaper is an easy way to increase the visual interest.

Increase the contrast between the tones in your room.

Add prints– animal prints are a fun upgrade.

Go beyond a single toned room- add color!

by It’s easy to use these simple changes to complete your decor.

Simple Base Bedroom
Base Bedroom

This rather bland bedroom takes advantage of varying the tones of your color but uses no other design tricks to add interest. The only texture is in the pillowcases.

  1. Add Texture. Adding even a small amount of texture makes a room so much more interesting. In this case we changed out the rug for one with texture. You can see how this one small change makes for a much more attractive room.

2. Wallpaper– Add a textured wallpaper and the room starts to have personality.

3. Add Contrast Sometimes texture is not enough. Vary the shades of the colors in your room to add contrast.

4. Add a Print (animal prints are always fun).

5. Go Crazy for Color Color changes the feeling of a room so quickly. You can spend years studying color but start like this- adding 2 colors that go with each other and use multitudes of shades of each of those colors.

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